Summer Term 2020 During Covid-19
The first half term the school continued to be open for keyworker children only. As more parents were asked to work our numbers gradually increased, particularly Tuesday to Thursday. We stayed open most days over the Easter holiday with an average of 4 children. Delivery of food boxes, packs of work, reading books and craft activities were delivered weekly by Miss Clarke and myself; this enabled us to monitor and support our more vulnerable families. After Easter the numbers increased to between 6 and 10 children, this included supporting preschool on site and two pupils from Clyst Vale.
In May, our keyworker numbers increased to between 12 and 18 children, this also included some of our vulnerable children on quieter days. All staff that were able to work, worked on a pro rata basis in rotation throughout Easter and the first half of the summer term. After May half-term and with the wider opening of schools, the preschool reopened up at the hall and 5 of our children went into the reception or year 1 bubble. Throughout June and July we have continued to support our vulnerable children in with our keyworkers (with the exception of one week in July where they came in with a returning Y2-5 group) and the number has been around 12 children most days. Mrs Boyd and Miss Dunsford have been mainly taking the keyworker group.
Cooked school meals were collected from St Martin’s along with packed lunches which were delivered to our FSM children. This was topped up by a weekly food box. Other families were also offered a food box where required.
The second half of term started on Monday 1st June for teachers and HLTAs with a staff update on all new procedures ready for opening up for reception, year 1 and year 6 children as capacity would allow. Tuesday 2nd June and was just open to keyworkers on that day so all other staff could meet for the required updates. Prior to Easter a group of governors called all parents of children in these year groups to ask if they would definitely return, maybe or definitely no. It was decided to do a staged return with one year group at a time to ensure all procedures put in place for children and their parents were working.
On Wednesday 3rd June 9 of the 19 Year 1 children started in class with Miss Norton and Mrs Wall. On Thursday 4th June 8 of the 17 children started in reception with a rota of teachers and teacher assistants, Mrs Terrett, Miss Corwood, Mrs Triggs, Mrs Clapp, Mrs Cosslett and Miss Passmore. All of these part time staff kindly changed working days in order to work in pairs either side of the weekend to reduce contacts and help protect the bubble. On Monday 8th June 19 of the 24 Year 6 children returned in two bubbles taught by Mr Brown and Mrs Vanstone.
Each year group had their own designated play and lunch time, play area and equipment to use.
The reception and Year 1 bubble had new children join the groups on Monday 15th June increasing Reception to 14 (1 part time due to EHCP risk assessment) and Year 1 to 14 children.
Parents of children in years 2 to 5, (who had not use the keyworker provision), were called by governors to gather their thoughts on returning to school for one week in a mixed age bubble. These bubbles were carefully considered and based on siblings within existing bubbles, ensuring minimal contacts.
Week commencing 22nd June saw 4 more children join our year 6 group and the first of our Y2-5 bubbles came in for a week in the committee room of the village hall led by Miss Clarke and supported by Miss Dunsford and a few TAs. The week after, a second group was invited in whilst the parents of Year 6 were asked whether they could keep their child at home for the following week to provide space and teacher capacity. This enabled all children that requested a week back in school to back in two groups for week commencing 6th July. This would have been the week of residential for Year 6.
For the last week and a bit, just Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and keyworkers were in attendance. A socially distanced leavers assembly for Year 6 and their parents was held at the MUGA on the last afternoon of term.
Year group |
Number in year |
Number returned |
Percentage of cohort |
Reception |
17 |
16 |
94% |
Year 1 |
19 |
15 |
79% |
Year 6 |
24 |
23 |
96% |
Year 2 |
21 |
19 |
90% |
Year 3 |
13 |
10 |
77% |
Year 4 |
22 |
20 |
91% |
Year 5 |
25 |
19 |
76% |
Total |
141 |
122 |
87% |
70 children had a least 4 weeks of school either in the returning year groups or by having parents as keyworkers.
Only 19 children representing 15 families did not attend school at all, this was for a number of reasons including children’s own medical conditions, shielding parents and pregnancy.