Autumn Term 2020

Prior to children returning, Class Booklets were produced for each class to explain what school will look like on their return including changes to timings and arrangements for playtimes and lunchtimes. Parents were provided with a more detailed overview so could answer questions their children may have.

Children requiring specific support to return were brought in on our non-pupil day to see visit their new classroom spaces and ask any questions they had.


Using our 6Rs we will support our pupils return by:


  • activities to promote relationships with peers and adults, appreciating they are now back in larger groups
  • Jigsaw units – Being Me and Celebrating Difference
  • focus of certificates for children for first half of term



  • appreciating as pupils, they can control their learning behaviours
  • update behaviour policy in consultation with staff and children
  • listening to stories in class and reading more frequently
  • focus of certificates for children for second half of term
  • Anti-bullying Week
  • Teacher time for updating curriculum plans due to loss of teaching time and class bubbles



  • explaining the reasons behind the decisions made with the new routines and rules in school
  • focus on number and place value as this underpins most mathematical understanding and concepts
  • encourage children to explain their ideas and make connections between different subject areas, including aspects studied during lockdown



  • introducing Chrome Books, changes in how learning is accessed – remote and blended learning
  • using all curriculum areas where possible to assess understanding in other areas, making the most of opportunities that arise
  • using the resources around them to create playground games and activities (as bubbles now have more space and their specific break times)



  • shorter sessions with more brain/active breaks
  • reading and writing sessions gradually increasing in time
  • Forest School sessions for KS2
  • developing a ‘I can do approach’ to learning now that are back at school
  • Use of Sporty Stars activities for KS1



  • providing time to discuss thoughts and feeling that have occurred due to the national lockdown
  • increased EH4MH Champion time
  • Mental health session for KS2
  • Children in Need