Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (P.S.H.E.)

PSHE Curriculum Statement, Knowledge and Skills Progression


Subject Vision: “PSHE education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain." - PSHE Association 

Our vision for PSHE, (which incorporates the National Curriculum statutory guidance for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education Sept 20), is to allow our children to become responsible and informed global citizens. We want our children to develop as great communicators, who are confident to share their views and opinions. We aspire to ensure PSHE is at the core of everything we do. By doing so it allows our children to blossom into confident, independent, reflective and responsible members of the ever-changing society around them.


Statement of Intent:

We intend to build a PSHE curriculum that:

  • enables our children to have the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to become healthy, independent, confident and responsible citizens

  • enables our children to become positive and capable members of families, communities and greater society

  • helps them understand how they are developing personally and socially

  • tackles and supports pupils to reflect on many of the moral, social, spiritual and cultural issues that are part of growing up

  • provides learning opportunities across and beyond the curriculum, in specific lessons, circle time, special school projects and other activities that enrich pupils’ experiences

  • promotes rights and responsibilities and so pupils appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society, incorporating British Values

  • encourages pupils to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community

  • supports transition into secondary school and onwards into adult life

Through Whimple’s 6Rs and Skills Builder whole school programme, we develop and celebrate general skills of speaking, listening, questioning, observation, creativity, problem solving and resilience that are embedded in our approach to children’s engagement with their personal development and learning.