Learning to learn
Resilience - Staying Positive: Tell when you and others feel positive or negative. Keep trying and staying calm when something goes wrong. Think about what happened when something goes wrong, and help cheer others up and encourage them to keep trying.
Resourcefulness - Creativity: Imagine different situations, say what you imagine and bring them to life in different ways. Generate ideas when you have been given a clear brief. Generate ideas to improve something, by combining different concepts and using creativity in the context of work.
Respect - Teamwork: Work with others in a positive way by behaving appropriately, being on time and reliable and by taking responsibility for completing tasks. Work well with others by supporting them if you can do so, whilst understanding and respecting diversity of others' cultures, beliefs and backgrounds. Contribute to group decision making.
Responsibility - Leadership: Know how you feel about something and can explain your feelings to someone. Recognise others' feelings about something and manage dividing up tasks between others in a fair way. Manage time and share resources to support completing tasks. Manage group discussions to reach shared decisions. Manage disagreements to reach shared solutions.