Remote Learning

In order to facilitate the ongoing education of the children at Whimple Primary School during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have set up a programme of learning covering three tiers of absence:


  1. A child is absent for one day whilst isolating or waiting for the result of a Covid-19 test.
  2. A child is absent for more than one day. 
  3. A bubble is required to isolate due to a case of Covid-19 in that bubble.


Every absence starts at Tier 1 - therefore the first 24 hours of absence is covered by the work provided in the 24-hour Learning Pack which is detailed on the pages, reception, key stage 1 and key stage 2.

Purple Mash
Username: first name and initial letter of surname
Password: unique to each child
Espresso Education
Username: student10333
Jasmine PE