Reception Learning

Please see below a suggestion of how to organise your day, should you need to be away from school for a period of time. Your class teacher will be in touch via ESchools or Google Classroom with some work for you to complete, so use the following activities for the first day you are away, and add to any learning set. Scroll to the bottom to read a guide for each area of the curriculum for reception, these have lots of simple ideas to help support your child at home.
Activity Recommended Time Ideas Useful links
Communication and Language  20 minutes
  • Play I Spy 
  • Select a letter and identify things for a given category, e.g. animal, fruit
Physical Development 1 hour (spread across the day)  
  • Have a go at Jasmine PE challenges
  • Try a timed challenge inside or outside
  • Funky Fingers activities, e.g. Use clothes pegs, threading, jigsaws
 Go Noodle
Personal, Social and Emotional Development  throughout the day
  • see link below 
Literacy - Phonics  20 minutes
  • Practice your sounds, tricky words or word boxes
  • Play a phonics game
  • Use previous phonics activities sent home
Literacy - Reading 20 minutes
  • Read a book
  • Re-read a favourite book
  • Read some suitable content online
Literacy - Writing  15minutes
  • Make a list of things from around the house
  • Practice writing your name
  • Draw a picture and label it 
Handwriting support
Maths 20 minutes
  • Use Purple Mash - games in the maths section
  • Play board or card games 
  • Make your own game using two dice
 Maths games and activities
Understanding the World 20 minutes
  • Work as a family to prepare lunch
 Recipes and Food Information
Expressive Art and Design    
  • Have a look around your house and draw something
  • Use some natural resources from outside to create some art
  • Get creative and build something with objects around the home
  • Design a moving vehicle with Lego
  • Make up a dance routine