Religious Education

Religious Education Curriculum Statement, Knowledge and Skills Progression


Subject Vision: 

Our vision for Religious Education is to inspire a curiosity about people through exploring worldviews so that pupils can gain knowledge, understanding and the skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living.  R.E. has an important place in the curriculum: it provides a safe space for young people to develop their understanding and tolerance of people, cultures, religious and non-religious world views. Children will gain a coherent understanding, thus preparing them for their journey through education and life in twenty-first century Britain. R.E. will contribute to children’s personal and academic development. As well as gaining knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs, the children will develop their own understanding of the world and how to live. R.E. will make a significant contribution to children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Statement of Intent:

The intent of our R.E curriculum is to provide a safe, respectful and tolerant environment where children are encouraged to explore their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. Their knowledge will be a good representation of world religions and world views. They will understand that diversity exists within world views through a well sequenced curriculum building on prior knowledge, topic specific vocabulary and rich activities that further understanding. Our intention is that R.E will provoke challenging questions so that children are reflecting and forming their own views.