Medical Support

If you are unsure about childhood health conditions and would like some advice please refer to The Spotty Book.

Try first aid first for a bump to the head

 Bump to the head video help

British Red Cross research has found that one of the main reasons parents take their children to A&E is falls. That’s why we’re showing parents how to help a child with a bump to the head.

Watch our short video so you know how to help should you ever need to.

 Try first aid first for a sprain or strain

 Sprain or strain video help

 Try first aid first for a fever

Fever video help

Red Cross Tip of the Month: Asthma Attack

With the weather warming up we all start to spend more time outdoors. For children this might mean running around playing and generally enjoying being in the fresh air. In some cases, exercise or even pollen could cause an asthma attack, so make sure you know how to help. A child who is having an asthma attack may wheeze and find it difficult to breathe.


You should:

  1. Help the child sit in a comfortable position and take their medication. When a child has an asthma attack, their airways narrow, making it difficult for them to breathe. An inhaler relaxes the muscles, allowing the airways to expand and ease their breathing.

  2. Reassure them. If the attack becomes severe, or they don't have their medication, call 999 as soon as possible. A mild attack should ease within a few minutes. Call 999 if the attack lasts longer than that, they don’t have their medication or the inhaler has no effect.