Writing Competition

24th March 2020

Whimple 500 Word Story Writing Competition

Richard and Julia Green are launching a short story writing competition in line with BBC Radio 2 500 words. This initiative is a response to the current situation and a challenge for both young and not so young alike to keep creative juices flowing!


There will three categories:

 Category A - Under 10 (on 01/09/2020)

Category B - Under 14 (on 01/09/2020)

Category C - Over 14 (on 01/09/2020) - including adult entries


Learning pack and judging criteria can be found on the BBC 500 Word 2020 website. This will particularly provide brilliant resources for younger entrants.


There will be an impartial judging panel (already booked).


Closing Date: Thursday 30th April 2020


Email entries (in pdf form) stating Name and Category to:  jrgreen729@gmail.com


Any further questions ring Julia on 07779139251 or Richard 07546029667


It is hoped to collate all entries at some stage and publish a book - possibly to raise money for the Village Hall Charity.


Finally….there will be prizes in each Category …….. we are open to donations!