External Parent Support

New resource to support emotional health

Worried about your child's behaviour or emotional wellbeing and not sure what's normal? Wondering whether to go and see your GP?

HappyMaps is a new website for parents and carers with reliable and up-to-date resources on emotional health for your children. The information covers the South West of England and aims to signpost you to books, websites and parent groups so you can find advice and support for you and your child, teenager or young adult. There are details of crisis services and counselling support too.

Devon Integrated Children’s Services (ICS): School staff and parents are encouraged to access the ICS Single Point of Access by phone (0330 024 5321) or look on the website (www.devon.integratedchildrensservices.co.uk) for any queries regarding the services, or referrals

Directory of Devon services and organisations: This is a directory of Devon services and organisations supporting children and families (www.pinpointdevon.co.uk)

Family Action

Digital Parent Support Service


Do you know parents/carers who may need help or support in the evenings and weekends? If so, please circulate details of our free Digital Parent Support Service. Through our parent helpline, befrienders and counselling service, we can provide emotional and practical support and guidance on all aspects of parenting.                 

  • Freephone 0808 802 0222

  • Text: 07537 404 282

  • Email NDPSS@family-action.org.uk

  • Open weekdays 6pm to 10pm, weekends 10am to 1pm

  • Available for parents and carers across England

Find out more:https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/parent-support/