Information about the expertise and training of staff in relation to children and young people with special educational needs and about how specialist expertise will be secured.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
What training have the staff supporting SEND had or what training are they having?
The SENDCo liaises with many specialist services and outside experts, to ensure provision for the pupils is appropriate and meets all needs. 
Whimple Primary School works closely with any external agencies that are relevant to individual pupils’ needs, including:
• Health – GPs, school nurse, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists (CAMHS), paediatricians, speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, including Children and Family Health Devon
• Social services – locality teams, social workers, child protection teams, family intervention programmes
• Educational Psychology Service (Devon)
• Devon Education Service : Specialist Teacher Advisors – hearing impairment, physical disabilities, communication and language, SEND team
SEND training is an on-going rolling programme of professional development for all our staff, throughout the academic year. SEND training forms part of the continuing professional development of all teachers and teaching assistants, and is organised in accordance with the needs of the pupils.